Monday, November 22, 2010

Updated Results of Our Super Commodity System



Minimum Account Size $ 100K
Max Risk/Trade $2500
Avg Trades Duration 4-5 Days

To get info on how to use this and other our trading system write to

Super Commodity Markets

eMini S&P, eMini Nasdaq, eMini Dow Jones, eMini Russell, eMini Midcap, Dax, Eurostoxx
Tbond, Tnote 10 Yrs, Tnote 5 Yrs, Tnote 2 Yrs, Euro Bund, Eurodollar
Euro Fx, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Swiss Franc, British Pound, Mexican Peso, Dollar Index
Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Heating Oil, RBOB Gasoline
Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rough Rice, Soybeans, Soybean Oil, Soybean Meal
Feeder Cattle, Live Cattle, Lean Hogs, Pork Bellies
Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum, Palladium
Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar, Cotton, Orange Juice, Lumber

Trading Weeks is a blog of information about trading systems and markets in general, whose contents do not constitute solicitation to public savings. Operate with any financial instrument is safe, even higher if working on derivatives. Be sure to operate only with capital that you can lose. Past performance of the methods described on this blog do not constitute any guarantee for future earnings. The reader should be held responsible for the risks of their investments and for making use of the information contained in the pages of this blog. Coincollector should not be considered in any way responsible for any financial losses suffered by the user of the information contained on this blog.
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